What a horror!!! Be afraid, be very afraid. It almost seems impossible to believe this place hasn't been shut down. It is sooooo obvious that thIs place is run by shady characters. All you have to do is meet Igor. Unless your planning a HUGE event, you will be at their mercy. They wait until the date of your event draws near and then hit you with charges not expected. And if you don't like it, oh well! As for the place itself, well it's new so how bad can it be?!?! Food and drinks get an F. Don't be mislead by the menu offerings, everything tastes the same. The bartenders were rude and one guy didn't even know how to make a rum and coke. Maybe the language barrier played a role. As for dinner, the food was terrible and ""tossed"" in front of you by the staff. No steak knives available for the prime rib, butter knives only. As the end of the night draws near, you WILL leave as the tables are literally taken apart at the stroke of midnight. By the way, don't think of complaining as there are ""goons"" everywhere just to keep the peace. Visit this place when an event takes place and look behind the front desk to get a taste of what you're in for. People, we're in 2011 and we live in NY. Don't make the mistake that we made and fall pray to the antics of a bunch of foreigners that think that they can get away with this kind of behavior and abuse on what should be the MOST special day in the lives of a newly married couple. You will look back on your wedding day and regret having chosen this venue as the place to hold your event, just like we have. Thanks for reading and consider this fair warning!!!!!!