I wish I could have done it without help, but the truth is I tried several times to get clean and couldn't make it work. So at the risk of being cliche, I couldn't have done it without Klean. They made me feel safe, which is hard to do when I was coming down, and I felt sheltered there. I could really tell the staff actually cared and weren't just there for a paycheck. They've all been through tthe same struggle of trying and failing, cleaning up and falling off the wagon, so they could sympathize. I'm not saying they treated me like a princess, cuz they didn't, but they were cool. They cut me slack when they could see I needed it, but they didn't let me slack when I needed to get through something either. So it's a good balance. I've never tried any other place like this, but I can say I wholly recommend going here if you need help getting off of drugs.