I loved my experience with Leesha at My Sweet Body. I have suffered with a condition called Thoracic Outlet Syndrome for over 10 years; after being an elite swimmer since the age of five. After years of intense training, I had no circulation pulsing through my left arm, a consequence that ended my swimming career. After years of reaching out for help from Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, physical therapists, and eastern medicine practitioners... Nothing helped with the return of the circulation to my arm like the feeling I was consequated with after treatments with Leesha! I truly believe in the pulsating machine that is used during the endermologie session, and also the warm spirit of Leesha, to help heal the body and ease the mind. And, I love that Leesha's kindness and keen knowledge of films has eased my mind during treatment, and expanded my film collection. :) I truly had a great experience here :)