First of all let me say that I thought being factory certified would put Dave's Marine Services LLC above the rest, but I was wrong. They must have been certified in something other than marine repair services. This is how my situation is: I own a 1994 Four Winns Horizon 210 with the 5.8 Cobra engine. My boat was running fine (35-45 mph with no problem) except with a little tapping noise in the engine. So I thought maybe I should do a little preventive mantenance and take care of this tapping noise since the summer was coming up. Discovered Dave's Marine on the internet and after reading their web site decided maybe these guys could handle the job. They say that all boats are serviced in the order they are received (no exceptions-fair is fair). I left my boat at Dave's shop on March 9, 2011 and they said they could get started on it the following week. After three weeks I had not heard anything and called them for any info on my boat and they told me my boat was up next for repair. Two weeks later I get a call from Dave's and they tell me the engine has a bad lifter and we decided to replace all lifters since they are that far into the engine. They also said that the oil pump would need to be changed too and I agreed and ask them to change the impellers too at this point. boat was running fine except there was a little tapping noise in the engine that I wanted to get rid of. Several weeks later I'm thinking they should be finished with my boat and give them a call. They tell me they are waiting on a part (flappers or something like that ?????). So I waited another two weeks and they finally called to tell me that my boat is ready. When I arrived to get my boat (5/19/2011) we go into their shop to give my boat a test run and I can't hardly beleive the way my boat engine is running. It is running so rough that it is shaking the entire boat and they called this repaired. Next, most all of the guages are not working and they were when I left the boat at Dave's. Next, there is yellow polland all over the interior of my boat where they left the cover off while it sat in their yard. Next, there are greasy finger prints everywhere and my boat cover has black grease all over it. Then I ask why it is running so rough and the mechanic hesitates and ask me if the boat engine has ever had any water in it. I tell him not as long as I have had the boat. Then I notice a water line (polland) in the interior of my boat. Then I realized maybe it had rained in my boat while the cover was off while it sat in their yard.....and that is how the water got into the engine. I complained and they wanted me to bring my boat back later so they could check it out. I had already paid them over $2000.00 for a job that caused my boat to run worse than when I left it at Dave's. So I decided maybe Dave's Marine Services isn't the place to have my boat repaired and wonder if the mechanic even knows what he is doing. Factory certified????? I don't think so! I didn't take my boat back to Dave's to wind up with another $2000.00 bill. THANKS DAVE'S MARINE FOR SCREWING UP MY BOAT..... STAY AWAY FROM DAVE"S MARINE SERVICES, LLC.