My daughter can never seem to get injured or ill during pediatrician office hours or when urgent care is open, so we are in the ER about twice a year. This is shaping up to be a record year - twice in the last 2 months. Both times, the wait was not bad - depended on how many people were in front of us. They took everyone in order of arrival, as far as we could tell.
In the past, we've had to tell why we were here, etc., to about 4 people and then again to the doctor. NOW IT IS ONLY THE RN AND THE DOCTOR. The staff was friendly and professional. Once, a few years ago, she needed an antibiotic. We were only given 1 pill (none to take home) and I had to take the next day off work to get her prescription filled. NOW YOU GET 24 HOURS WORTH OF MEDICATION. (Hospitals can't fill outpatient prescriptions due to insurance rules.)
This spring we saw different doctors on each visit. Both were professional and gave great information about the medications she needed. We had an opportunity to ask more questions and were quickly given detailed written information about her condition; changes to watch for; medication; and how to follow up.
I'd still rather have my daughter get ill during office hours, but now I won't dread the ER visit.