Alexiy was a Samoyed whose mother and her siblings did the Kibbles 'n Bits commercial, 4 Sammies eating normal food as a pack of dogs run by voicing the name of K&B. Alexiy had rapidly deteriorated in a matter of days. An animal person with many rescues also advised Mission, their writeups, were perfect for me. I felt awful calling clinics as though I were price shopping for an animal worth more than costs. Within hours of my call to Mission, it was vital I put him down immediately. Mission held my hand for 6 hrs as I held Alexiy, their arrival was so professional, subdued, fully trained well and I'd placed a barrier and towel upon a 120 yr-old chaise Alexiy loved. Two other four-legged friends were placed in another room. I handed the young vet his stethescope for the final proof both the pre-relaxation shot and the IV functioned well. Mission allowed Alexiy to cross the Rainbow Bridge to greet Sammies he'd not seen in ages; my other animals knew the instant the door opened outside my bedroom, that Alexiy was gone. Thank you Mission and that particulary young vet for his professionalism. Bentley, my American Eskie begins his first shots with Mission as I have changed vets. I look forward to a long relationship so long as I remain in Elizabeth Lake. Don StM