Big surprise--insted of getting a crown, I had to have the tooth pulled. If it had been anyone but you I would have been afraid. 'But you have never hurt me and you didn't this time either. That's saying something. I know it could have hurt because when the anesthetic wore off it really hurt the rest of the day. It's been getting better. It still feels soft and mushy but I try to be careful. I mean what I said: not going back to t hat oral surgeon. I will never trust him. He said it would hurt but why did it have to? And it hurt so incredibly he must have hit a nerve. It lifted me up off the chair. The assistant was holding me down! No way. Ii w ill have to be put to sleep before any oral surgeon touches me again. Or else I will have to come to you for the shots first. I mean that too. Only thing was the stairs were a huge struggle for me to get up. Seemed worse this time. Still question: what about my crooked teeth? Thanks Jay, Bobbi & all