I am here reading some reviews that have been given. I have taking all my pets there. I have 3 dogs and 1 cat. I have taking my pets to be seen by Dr. Nicci who saw my dog Droopy. I took him to Dr. Nicci cause i notice he had red spots on him after getting a hair cut. He is a cocker spaneil and when i brought him in noticing when he went to the bath room he had blood in his stool. They had ran a boold test on him and to know his blood was thin. Any cut could have my dog bleed out. Dr. Nicci and Dr. Jan have keep him under good watch , I know i had no worries. My dog after meds they have gave me my dog droopy was back to him self in no time. I am proude to have them as my vet and i tell alot of my friends and family about them. More than half of them take there pets there. I know Dr. Jan Dr. Jill Dr. Nicci all have great big herats. they are not about moeny. John and val who are tech are great. I know with them also behind there doctors i have no worries