Fins & Critters pet store will sell you fish and tell you they won't get any bigger than they were at time of purchase, 2 inches... (actual adult size is 7 inches)
They will say you can buy 5 of them and put them all in a 29 gallon tank... (each fish needs 30 gallons by itself, minimum)
They will tell you they are perfectly fine for a freshwater tank... (they need brackish water cycled to full marine water by adulthood)
They won't take 4 of the 5 fish back 1 day after purchase to resell for double their profit... (after reading about the fish i wanted to GIVE 4 of them back because i did not want the fish to suffer and die)
All these people want is your money.
They don't care about you or their product.
Will never return to this pet store.