On May 11, Roto-Rooter analyzed and repaired a leaking laundry tub faucet at my residence in Minneapolis. The hot side was leaking so much that water pressure could not be maintained throughout the house and enough water was being wasted that it was necessary to use the main valve to turn water off for the whole house. The service was performed about 9 am. The washer on the hot side was bad and the stem cup that holds the washer was partially broken. Prices quoted were $200 to fix the faucet and $500 to replace it. My son?s fiancé who is living in the house after consulting with my wife decided to have the faucet repaired. (My son is out of country and I was on a field trip with students and could not be reached.) The technician replace both the hot and cold washers and the faucet does not now leak. \r
If $200 sounds reasonable to replace two washers then Roto-Rooter should be fine. Otherwise I suggest looking for a more reasonably priced provider.\r
A note on the repai