When I stepped into Bristol Studios 6 years ago I was a girl with a dream and an
okay voice. I had just completed college and was at a loss of how to pursue my
life long dream of performing. I watched numerous people around me gigging out but
was uncertain of how to even get things going. With a quick search online I found
Bristol Studios, it seemed to be exactly what I was looking for, so I booked my
free voice lesson. I can recall walking into the studio in awe of what a cool
place it was. I meet with Brent, senior vocal coach, and was hooked.
Not long after starting lessons with Brent, I attend an Artist Development Seminar
hosted by the owner/director Ric Poulin. I thought the voice program was AMAZING,
but sitting there in the room I was captivated and blown away by this beautifully
organized Artist Development chart showing the exact path to success. I started
meeting with Ric and taking a look at where I was in relation to where I needed to
go. Lets just say I needed a lot of work, but Ric was always encouraging and
everyone at the studio was motivating and positive. Brent continued to help me
create a distinct sound that was all my own, which is priceless. For years I had
taken lessons but was not hitting the notes I now am able to. Bristol has the type
of atmosphere that always allows you to grow as an artist, without any petty stuff.
One of my fondest memories is my first style shoot - I thought it went off really
well. I mean come on now, a brown blazer and jeans is cool right? I've come so far
developing my own style since then! Looking back it was the first step of many
that would help me morph into the artist I am today. Now, six years later, I have
accomplished so many of my personal goals and have really found who I am. I
continue to be amazed at what I have learned and continue to learn. Dreams give us
hope which give us the drive necessary to achieve our dreams, I have Bristol to
thank for this.
-Patrice Peris
Pop/R&B recording artist