About the only thing I love more than the engagement ring we designed with Christopher Duquet would be my fiance. I'm not kidding. We heard about Christopher through a family friend late last year and made our initial visit soon after. I couldn't be happier.
I wasn't exactly the ""easiest"" customer, either. I wanted my ring to be extra special, incorporating diamonds handed down from my grandmother and a design unique to me. But I didn't have a clear vision for what my ring my look like. I brought pictures of a few rings I found online to help explain what I wanted.
""Don't show me the pictures,"" Christopher told us at our first appointment. ""Just tell me what you want.""
So began what I'd call a journey of discovery. With Christopher's patient help (enduring several of my ""what about this?"" inquiries) and creativity, my ""want"" became reality. I'm now wearing a ring that makes me extra happy, has my grandmother smiling from heaven and keeps getting rave reviews from friends and strangers.
Did I mention I LOVE this ring?
Christopher is not only professional, super talented and creative, he's a true artist. I asked my now-fiance about what he'd add to this review. His take: ""Christopher's a master. Plus, he's witty and hip to Commander Cody...what's not to like?""