I have had so many issues with this place. First of all you spend more time in the waiting room than you do with a dentists or hygenist. For example I had a 9:45 appointment, got there like 5-10 minutes early and waited. There was nothing to do expect watch the stupid tv. WAITING ROOMS SHOULD HAVE MAGAZINES! So I was panicing since I have a mild fear of the dentist. Finally i was called back and I asked the hygenists about why I was called back late and she was like ""oh whatever"" and I can understand if they were running late due to patients but at least tell me that.\r
Then I think the most she ever said to me was ""That canker sore looks painful"". It was like surprise treatment. Then I was back there for maybe 15 minutes. When i asked her what she wrote in my chart she mumbled something about how it didnt matter. \r
Luckily no one asked if I wanted to make another appointment because I would have told them absoletly not after the treatment I just recieved. \r