I signed up for bass lessons over a month ago. Prepaid for my first lesson and scheduled for the following week. The day comes, and I get a call two hours before my scheduled time that the instructor was sick. No big deal, it happens, and my lesson is pushed back to the following week. Get a call again a few hours before my lesson. The instructor can't get a ride. Okay. The instructor is a flake. I schedule with a different guy, one I had lessons with years ago at a different business. Apparently the instructor never gave them the okay to schedule people for him on that particular day, which I find out about the day before, so cancellation #3. they tell me he rearranged his schedule to accommodate me for the following week. Today I get a call saying he can't get a ride. So... It's been a month. I'm out the money, and still haven't managed any lessons. A this point I ask for a refund. They say they can't give a refund until their accountant comes in on money? What???? Every other store I have ever been in can give you a refund on the spot. Either cash from the drawer or a chargeback to a credit card. While it seems to be a nice little store with decent prices, I'm tired of their false promises and won't be doing business there again. My next call is to my credit card company to contest the charge and make sure I get my money back.