I needed to go to the Nintendo World store to pick up a gift for a friend, who is a big Nintendo DS fan. I could have just ordered what I wanted on-line, but I’ve always wanted to check out the Nintendo Store, so I made the trip. It was awesome! I admit, I’m a gamer, but I don’t have any Nintendo products...this needs to change! The store was nicely laid out and clean--which doesn't happen too often in a place where you can demo the games and game systems, usually there’s a filthy broken controller hanging off of a display case, with a broken game looping on a tv screen. Not at the Nintendo store though, everything worked, the staff was really nice and smiley, but not in a creepy way.
I also loved the museum part of the store; looking at all of the original Nintendo stuff made me nostalgic, and also realize how cool Nintendo always was. They’ve always tried to take video games and make them more accessible to people who may not play video games. Great stuff, great store, great experience. I’d recommend this to anyone who just wants to experience something new.