Four to five times every year for maybe a 5-6 year period, I would get a shooting pain in my mid-back that would have me drop to the floor. I am a mechanic so I move alot and having my back out isn't good for business. My wife got connected with Dr. King and she began receiving adjustments. I haven't been the biggest fan of chiropractors so I really wasn't interested. My interest peaked though when one day I started feeling that mid-back pain coming on. It always gave me a little warning before it brought me to my knees so this time I listened to the warning (at my wife's urging!) and scheduled an appointment with Dr. King. I went regularly for about a month and now only see him for maintenance. It's been two years and I have not had the slightest issue with my mid-back. No more shooting pains. Thank you Dr. King! Dan S.