Look no further!!! If you need a new home Dandy Homes is where to go. I told Mr. Dandy what I needed and what i had to work with he said ""i can hook you up"" and that he did. We looked at 7 singlewides all over okc, before we found it. I bought a 1998 skyline that needed some work but Rick dandy told me he could work his magic and he did!!! Looks rustic but in a classy way. His crew listened to my needs and my wifes must haves and delivered every promise. wish i could say that nothing went wrong but i did have a leaky hot water heater Rick called a plumber and it was fixed the same day. On the delivery dandy and crew made sure every window opened and door shut like it was supposed to. My wife wanted the house ""as low as possible"" it is sitting 24"" off the ground. Hindsite it makes it hard to find a porch wish it was 6 inches taller and so does my wife. \r
I was in the service so im used to things being done in a timely manner, my home was delivered 23 day's after i paid for it would have been Quicker but those darn oklahoma winds. Dandy Homes is not pushy and my purchase was hassle free. I do not talk highly of sooner fans very much but this poke is sold on Dandy Homes. When u go tell Rick ""Aggie steve sent ya"".\r
Its been 3 years all of Ricks work has held up and my home is still something im proud of.