Be conversational: Write as if relaying your experience to a good friend.
Be thorough: Mention your favorite products or services offered by this business, such as menu items, home delivery or spa treatments.
Be local: Identify the neighborhood where the business is located and mention nearby attractions when relevant.My brother left out of town, so I had to babysit my nephew who is 5 and a little off the wall usually. Two days into the it, he wasn't his normal self (i.e. off the wall with energy). By the time bed time rolled around he had a very high fever. I called Dr. Robbins, and unfortunately he could not see me until the next morning. We went in, he was expecting us with open arms. It went like this, ""..does he have this? Did he...? followed by yes yes yes by me. I was a bug that had been going around in his school which a lot of other kids had come in for as well.