The poor reviews about this school are absolutely correct! I can vouch from experience and regret ever using this ?school?. Do NOT send your children here! None of the ?teachers? are certified and anyone in a position of power is related to the director. They are given carte blanche to do or say whatever they want. They put on a lovely dog and pony show for parents about how the ?children come first?. However, after the parents leave they just let children sit and cry, and actually yell at staffers who try to comfort the children! Mary Sears talks about a lot about R-E-S-P-E-C-T but they don?t show any respect to the children OR to the staff!
The school ?rules? state that children should ?never be talked down to?, but this is routinely ignored by bitter and mean sarcastic ?teachers? who demean the children and mock them. Screaming at a three year old to ?RESPECT!? means nothing if you don?t set the example for them.
I recently took a course in classroom management and everything the instructor discussed about having consistent rules and a calm and caring atmosphere was never followed at Mary Sears. They would routinely make up new ?rules? on the spot that didn?t exist before, and spend more time spying on each other and engaging in gossip than watching their own classrooms. They break their own ?rules? about how males are not to be with the children when they go to the bathroom. What they claim goes on and what actually occurs are completely different things. I know what my children experienced and they are NOT liars. Mary Sears is a terrible institution and more like a boot camp that any kind of loving nurturing environment. I hope this place gets shut down.