I came in for a simple sleep apnea test requested by my doctor. A month later I'm still trying to get in for appointments while hes having me do a hundred other things.
There is also one specialist there that is rude to all hell and I actually refused to do a test since he was the only one to administer it.
I guess his wife works there, or his sister. I know she shares the same name. But she had me move my car OUT of a NON-reserve spot, so she could park in TWO parking spots.
They need to realize, you become a doctor for people, for your job, and for the love of knowledge, not for the god damn perks of bossing people around!
Not to mention Dr. Puri insulted me quite a bit when we first met. I understand I am a woman going for medicine track, but it doesn't mean all women either have to be a nurse or a pediatrician.
I am closing in on a surgery in 2-3 weeks, which I CANNOT push back any farther, and I still can't get my stuff done from them. I am absolutely PISSED and I don't want to go back to this place EVER again.
I'm probably going to call around to see if I can get my info from them faxed to another office so I never have to go back here, and I can get my stupid test done so I can get my surgery!