We did us the Grand Blanc Store 4 r pool installation & r pool has cracked twice now. We have been informed by viking, the maker of the fiberglass pool,(midwest does not fix your pool the maunufactor form out of state comes out) that this is the last time they will fix r pool because midwest has installed our pool improperly & that it will continue to crack! We are now planning to speak to our lawyer! We have only spoke with a very rude Janet so far this year! Last time our pool cracked the customer service was excellent! This time Janet goes out of her way to be rude and scarcastic. We also were told by janet that we need to pay 1500.00 to have our pool braced (this was free the last time the pool cracked) before viking can fix the new crack! Plus, we need 2 pay 2 have the pool refilled everytime it cracks! this pool is a $$ trap! ps our pool was put in on time & our salesmen were also great. It was not until our pool cracked that we had any rudness or problems getting any resoultion.