I was in Indianapolis from Scottsdale for a wedding and decided to take the opportunity to get my hair cut and colored. I had just arrived, had a cold and was generally not looking forward to it because I usually despise being stuck in a stylist's chair.
I can't even begin to describe what a fantastic experience it was at White The Art of Hair. You can tell that the stylists and staff are consummate professionals with unrivaled talent and training. I have never seen that level of skill exhibited in a salon in Arizona. Danita truly has a gift and an incredible focus.
I explained that I was getting married next year and felt that I should have the cliché grown out hair for it. In the most polite and diplomatic way, she asked if I wanted her opinion. I'm so incredibly glad she did. I entrusted her to cut in the way she saw would be most flattering. The transformation was incredible.
I've never left a salon feeling so good about myself. My fiancé picked me up and was totally in awe of the results.
The atmosphere made me feel comfortable enough to give the stylist free reign and the talent of the stylists made that so worthwhile.
It's been three months and I haven't been to another stylist. I'd rather fly back to Indiana than submit to the whims of anyone else.
Thanks again for everything and I hope to be back there soon.