Customer service 101 should be a required course for all employees! Sadly the Poway Valley Stock Farm has employed a husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend combo that has very little if any understanding of Customer Service!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a customer I expect to be treated accordingly.
At first I assumed that it was just me receiving the cold shoulder; however it became quickly evident after speaking to many others that they also felt the same way. With the PVRA just across the street many of us are forced to deal with the daily abuse! Unfortunately the horses have dropped weight forcing boarders to spend ridiculous amounts of money on extra hay and grain to stay healthy.
I am a business person and understand the cost of hay has gone up forcing the owner to raise board. However what baffles me is how this entitles management to cut feed back???? Help me understand how that works out? What am I paying for?
Lastly, the health hazard of dust that can cause fibrosis! Research shows that simply watering the facility cuts the risk down almost completely. With as many rules that are not consistently enforced the most important ones are overseen at random.
Conclusion, myself and 8 others have chosen to remove our horses and pay higher rates at a facility that offers customer service and a consistent set of rules!