so i was reading some of the other peoples reviews here and i was apalled by some of the comments made by other people. Well i can tell you all that i have bought every piece of furniture and appliances from there and never had a problem with anyone there!!!! Maybe after having to deal with all the jerk-offs over the years ............! So based on that i,m sure some of the reviews in here are bogus and unfounded. yeah it's probably jack-offs like you that made the people at Kings seem less friendly? next time try to walk in with a smile and not try to demand so much, usually richy rich people (doctors,lawyers,snotty fat b*t**es......etc.) walk in with a nasty disposition and that all about me demeanor. anyway get over your insignificant self ,shut-up and have a nice day. P.S. thank you KINGS for being a wonderful place that us common folk can get stuff!