To keep this extended nightmare as short and sweet as possible, I spent around $20k at this shop and my car left on April 14th 2011 on a tow truck with no engine. In the almost 2 years that my car sat at Batlground, they installed two engines, both of which failed during break-in, my transmission failed within 50 miles after picking up the car once because it had no transmission fluid in it. They machined the heads on my car at least twice and the final engine failure was a direct result of damage to the heads. Through all this they denied that any of the failures were their fault despite evidence to the contrary. Instead they blamed far more reputable engine builders in this segment such as AMS, Buschur Racing and Shep Transmission. They denied forgetting to put oil in the transmission even though the evidence suggested the exact opposite. I was an extremely trusting and loyal customer and they took advantage of this (as others have stated). When they denied culpability the first few times, I simply took their word for it and paid thousands of my hard earned $$$ to repeat work over and over. They repeatedly described my car as ""unlucky."" This is coming from a shop called Batlground ""Engineering."" After I realized I was not dealing with professionals, it became obvious to me that there is a far less sinister explanation for everything that had gone wrong. The answer was rather obvious. The engines had all come from the best engine builders, the tranny from one of the best tranny builders, the only constant in all the failures was regrettably Batlground. I have been an enthusiast for over 10 years and I've dealt with many tuners, good and bad. Batlground Engineering is BY FAR the worst experience that I have had and I cannot imagine things being any worse. This is literally my first review of anything on the web but I felt obligated to make this known to other enthusiasts. You'll be wise to find a different tuner. My name is Emmanuel Momoh, I am the owner of modifiedcartrader and I am putting my name behind this review.