I worked downtown for years until about 4 years ago and loved going to Merchants especially for the Salmon BLT and always in the past had such a great experience each time I went. Decided to go back and was looking forward too that same great meal. Paid 5.00 too park and then walked into the NEW Merchants...wow who remolded this place? Must have gotten a deal on White paint and ruined the classy look the building had. Ordered the Salmon BLT and it was a shell of what it used too be, everything was different about it even the fries. Horrible meal for 15.00 but I did get some garlic popcorn...classy touch! I will say the service was good but please don't try too pull off the same menu of old, just start selling hamburgers, hotdogs, milkshakes and maybe some nachos with that gooey yellow cheese substitute and that would be more appropriate for the New Merchants. At least you don't have to rely on return business in the downtown area.