I have been a member over 7 years and have been thru many changes from the hours of operation to the change in hours now due to the season. I have always been treated with Respect . \r
We all may have a bad day no matter who you are and this is understandable.. I have actually witnessed Customers being extremely rude and trying to bend the rules that are instilled(ie: being under age to sign up with out a note from parent ; to wanting to use someone elses packages and more ). Each instance the employee consulted a manager / corporate as needed and handled accordingly to the law and rules of membership. I even witnessed a customer was using Extreme Foul Language towards an emloyee . As the customer did not get what they wanted (the issue had nothing to do with the employee at all but the customer needing to take care of business..).That was NO reason to take out on the CSC employee. \r
I can't say more than major Kudos to the manager here at Antelope and how she treat's her customers I have never been forced to purchase lotions or anythingi have not wanted to buy. I have never been lied to. \r
Remember all corporations and companies have policies that need to be followed no matter how large or small. Some even as posted have the right to refuse to serve you as well...\r
Please remember that we all can not controll the actions of others but if we want to be treated with Respect we also must Give it as well. \r