I have known her since Jan. 2008. first and only read was an $80 soaking of my hard earned money~! I had to go to KMart and buy a tape as she was OUT...she had NO CAR! plz!!...further, her accent so strong at first that I nor my husband could understand a WORD on the tape. She gets ""friendly"" w/many of her clients...they all KISS her BUTT total--bring her gifts, presents, etc. She grows to EXPECT this from everyone...?! Why?!? Simply a huge Prima DONNA, who is JUST a PEEP user all the way...her voice sounds like it came out of a guttter or she is a MAN in Drag. She broke her hip a few years ago; I helped her; bought her some PJ's & clothes and FOOD; she never reimbursed me a DIME?! No offer! WTF? who is this woman? I don't OWE her NADA!! Running the ERRANDS was friendship enough!! Why did I have to PAY TOO? She just sucker'd me like a LOSER! I am gifted also and I SEE/SAW right through her BS; don't believe she is FOR REAL...not for me anyway; just a STUDY of a person...IS PRETENDING to be a friend, but being a LEECH; who NEVER gives back a FARTHING! heads up you suckas...she is taking your $80 each time yes, PERIOD!