In response to your fabricated tale of events, the staff at Molly's Place would like to set the record straight. You were initially approved to adopt a dog and a $100 deposit was taken. Immediately after this transaction took place it was determined that you had falsified information on your application and your deposit was promptly returned at that time. To be specific, you lied about owning your home when, in fact, you were renting. You took it upon yourself to come to Molly's Place a few days later and tried to adopt again. You were informed that you were denied due to your dishonesty on the application. You and your girlfriend became rude, obnoxious, argumentative and you were instructed to leave. The following day, your landlord stopped by to thank us for not adopting to you. Not only were you not permitted to get a dog where you were renting, but you are also apparently a dead beat tenant who fails to pay rent. While no one actually called you an ?idiot?, if the shoe fits........