If you like trains, you'll LOVE Winston Factory Lofts. The train track is situated just 30 yards from your window. When the train goes by it sounds like it's running right through your apartment! If the property manager says the train never comes before 8am or after 8pm, not to worry! The train runs at 10pm, 12midnight, 2am, and 4am with regularity. Train enthusiasts - do not miss this opportunity to pay a hefty premium for all-hours access to an extremely active, one-of-a-kind railroad experience! And don't let anyone discourage you with crazy talk of a ""quiet zone."" It will never happen (look it up).
If you're just into a noisy atmosphere and trains aren't your favorite source of insomnia, you need look no further than your bedroom walls. There is absolutely NO insulation between units.
So if you're into trains or just a good dose of exhaustion - Winston Factory Lofts is the place for you.
I hate trains and I haven't slept since I moved in, so I am counting down the days until my lease is up...
Current resident, April 2011