I have heard worst stories about hairdressers in real life than the one you have written online...the truth of the matter is, one bad haircut (on a bad client) doesnt make a hairdresser a bad hairstylist.
I have been coming to the salon for a long time ( over 10 years now and counting) and I never had a bad experience at all. I LOVE Yamaguchi Salon because they are truly gifted hairstylist & I believe in their philosophy as well. They are well known in the hair industry and are up to date with the trend. I am not discounting your experience but to say that ""don't take the risk"" is a little over board.
I guess your mother didn't tell you that if you don't have anything good to say, dont say anything at all. A poor conduct like this one really won't resolve anything at all.
I have the privilege of meeting Eric & have him work on my hair (whenever possible) and I admire his many talents as well as his precision haircuts. For you to say that he is a bad stylist...... I certainly DO NOT agree with you on that. It might be that you didnt like the haircut but it doesnt make him or any hairstylist a bad hairstylist. They are human being as well that can make certain mistakes but their love for the industry/servicing us is their primary goal, help them help us. Give a pat or a praise for the many other things your hairdressers have done to you rather than ripping their heads off.