I had came home from a brief shopping trip and to my horror my Macaw had somehow injured his foot and there was a very large pool of blood on the floor I tried to stop the bleeding and sytpic powder and it wouldn't help to stop the bleeding it was a holiday and I lived only a few blocks from his place of business so i wrapped Jake up in a towel and ran to the vets.when I arrived the only person there was a girl attendant taking care of the animals and DR Slack came right over and he took jake (my macaw) in to the examination room and he cauterized his foot and he saved my birds life and that was the best thing I had ever had happen DR Slack is a very Smart Man and his personality is reserved and people think he doesn't care and nothing could be farther from the truth as it was a holiday and the vets office was at the time closed so to any one who talks badly about the DR they are not very smart and how can you put a price on your pets life so in my opinion go ahead and go to a cheap vet and loose your pet I have been a bird breeder all my life and have known many vets and DR Slack is definitely the Smartest and Most Compassionate vet I ever. had used