(1) They have an autism support group
(2) help with independent Living skills training (teach cooking, laundry hygene, ect.)
(3) Do the Payroll for over 300 attendants who the person with the disability hire (hence independent living)
(4) Soon to have a fitness center
(5) NHT gets people out of nursing homes and living on their own
(6) Accessbility demo center - where someone with a disability can demo accessible products to see if they will help in there lives. also provides free wheel chairs and scooters that are donated.
(7) Employment - help people with disabilities get jobs
(8) Free sign language classes
The above not improve the lifes of many that have disabilities.
Check out the new website... There are many more services
They also are funded through education which (RSA) always gets funding cut every year. That is why there isn't much money but with what they have, they have done some amazing things. The new building has a Huge lounge area, accessible kitchen, 2 computer training labs, demo center and more. You should stop in, in person before believing some of these opinions as the staff have changed to some degree and the services have expanded.