I took my G-wagon for tint. in the process one of windows were severely scratched with a razor blade. The owner Ron had the glass replaced. I returned after the glass was replaced to to have the tint finished. Once the tint was installed, I was asked to check it out. As I was inspecting the tint, the wife(I assume) said I was not suppose to be in the shop...but before I could say a word, Ron came in the shop and said 'pay your bill and get the f... out of here' and then he threaten me by saying 'I ought to knock your teeth out'. He then slambed his bay door down and proceed to rant about allowing these boys to pay for the glass because they didn't scratch the glass. His wife then called the police I think because of the violence he was threatening. The police came and seprated Ron to get his version of events and myself for mine. The officer made me aware of my rights to press charges but I decided not to. Then when I went back in the shop they had removed all of the tint. I feel bad for his son's in the shop that they have to work for Ron(father). It would be better for them if he retire.