The surface of this daycare is a little rough, it doesn't look like a posh puppy salon. It instead, is a dog smelling, dog friendly atmosphere. But don't let the grassroots feel scare you away: this is a very professional business. They are always quick to respond to calls, they stay on top of vaccinations, they are friendly, and take great care of our animals.
We love that our lab has plenty of room to run around during the summer with water and shade, and a warm heated barn for the winter. We also love that our fussy dachshund gets to play queen of the little dogs in their own play area, where she won't get stepped on by big pups. Even our cat gets to hang out inside with the staff, and enjoy a play date with our little dog for some great family time.
If you want your dogs to be able to sleep at night, and play all day like a normal animal, instead of putting them in those bright sardine can 'salons' this is the place for you puppy.