It is sad in Raleigh that people who have eaten sushi for years should know the difference between "fresh fish" meaning never frozen caught daily and "IQF blocks" meaning frozen blocks of fish which has been frozen for sometimes for more then a years. I was at sushi bar with friend and all the sushi was just bland and had no taste, When I asked sushi chef if their tuna was "fresh tuna" and reply was "Yes" but end of conversation what he meant was frozen tuna but it is freshly thawed. I used to work for sushi distribution Co. out of Baltimore Md. and I know well that IQF blocks are usually used by supermarkets or buffet places to save money. Usually upscale sushi place will use fresh whole fish which will bring out flavor of real sushi. I am Chinese American not Japanese but I love to eat sushi from place where sushi is prepared from strong foundation and I wish people in in Raleigh start to experience the same. I am not saying food here at Sushi Thai was bad but maybe it is time to compete quality with Sono, Waraji and few others in this area. Most sad thing about it is some reviewers writing reviews and they don't even have a clue what they are writing about.