Took our older girl in back in late May or early June 2010 for an initial new patient check. We had noticed a small black lump on her right front foot and I had asked the Dr Murray to look at it. He advised that it was a benign mass and there was no need to do anything more. In late June we had to take her to an emergency vet for another issue and they saw the mass and advised us to do a biopsy (which we certainly would have done earlier as well.) The mass had grown considerably to the point that it was now clearly visible. At the time of the visit to Parker it was hidden under the fur of the foot. The biopsy revealed a spindle cell carcinoma. The good news is that as of December it had not spread. The bad news is that there is nothing, at this point, other than very invasive treatment that can be done. Add to that significant costs related to specialist treatment.