When both my wife and I had employment setbacks, I attempted to be proactive and short sell my home to avoid foreclosure; I was even willing to take on a personal note to cover the difference. My house appraised at 30k less than what I owed, but I found a buyer who would purchase at 15k under appraised value. Robins would not work with us at all; they would not approve a short sale in any form, would not give us a personal note to help make up the difference, and threatened that if we were a day late they would begin forclosure proceedings, and that they would definitely seek a deficiency judgement after the forclosure. Realize that most banks as a common sense business practice are much more accomodating these days; It seems to be bone-headed to push someone into a forclosure, where everyone loses; beware if you are looking for a home loan, they are heartless!