To a large extent a massage is a massage and feels good if you really need it. Since I don't treat myself to a massage all that often it is important for me to make it worth it. I unfortunately don't think massage envy is worth's why: the massage chairs are generic and almost a little uncomfortable. Since I have a larger bust I prefer bed that have an adjustable dip in the chest area so that I can lay flat on my chest more comfortably. I noticed their use of hot towels is severely lacking which is unfortunate because with proper use they can exponentially add to the experience ( I enjoy hot towels on my feet double wrapped with a dry towel to trap in heat).
the bathrooms were another disappointment.... No lotion after hand washing, things like that add up to make it be a less that adequate experience and discourage me from ever going to another.
- there was no hot tea that was decaf.....hello after a massage it is important kto hydrate and if caffeine is a dehydrating diuretic, then logically it would make sense to have more herbal teas. I am not going to get my morning fix.
- no aromatherapy this really a massage? Places I have been in the past ask me what kind of scent I prefer... Oh no not here.... Its only some god knows what kind of lotion. Probably something from target.
Needless to say my massage was good...although there were a few questionable things that he did that made me wonder what the point was. I got the general sense that massage envy hires people that went to all sorts of schools and the company doesn't enforce standard structural massages. This can be good or bad. Either way a risk I probably won't take again.
Overall I felt the best word to describe it was that it was a generic experience. I didn't feel anything I encountered was over the top....just average or possibly slightly below.
Also the man who massaged me never followed up afterwards with feedback.... Our goodbye was the fastest I've ever had( and I'm not grotesque for it to be from disgust)