I like Sports Authority but I never go there looking for that great a discount outside of the occasional non embarrassing athletic shoe style. It's usually my last stop before surrendering to nearby Globe Shoes' prices. I was just there on Monday February 28th, and was pleased to find sneakers in my 4E width and size. I'm not likely to be leaping tall buildings in a single bound, so $50 is higher than I usually like to pay, but then, I'm stuck in the 80s, and think it's a tragedy to pay more than $30-$35 for any brand name sneakers, even with all leather uppers. I had caught a decent pair of all leather Avias there for the unheard of sale price of 25 bucks a couple years ago, and was still wearing them yesterday, hoping lightning would strike twice. \r
The attendant was very nice - the inspiration to write this review. It's rare these days to find a retail sales person that is personable enough to be open to engage in just enough banter to round out the sale, and be knowledgeable