They may charge smaller fees but they do a hard sell on upgrades and unnecessary products. When I went to pick my dog up, they also charged more than the quote. They told me there was something wrong his blood work, that they had to do additional test, and administer additional fluids, which they charged for. T Hey said his blood work was not right, and I had to put him on special food, which they conveniently set aside for me to join their monthly must have dog food sales plan. None of this was accurate. Eight years later, my dog is healthy, happy, has fine blood work, gets his teeth cleaned yearly (elsewhere), and has never had to go on any special food. Subsequent to this, I had other doctors look at those blood work results, and they all told me the numbers were as they were because the dog had been fasting in prep for the dental cleaning, not because anything was wrong with him.
This hospital had the nerve to call me a month after I was there to try to scare me into buying their food. Big rip-off. They prey on people's fears and desire to do everything for their dog's health. Don't fall for it.