My Blue Front Amazon was sick and my regular Avian vet was on vacation. I was directed to an emergency clinic but unsure of their experience with birds decided to call another vet I know and respect. He told me, for birds, to call Dr. Shulak because he was one of the best avian vets in the state. Even though he was almost 50 miles away, this was one time I really needed a bird specialist. After examining her, Dr. Shulak explained how sick she was and there was a good chance that she might not live but he would do everything he could to keep that from happening. It didn't take long listening to him to realize not only his kindness and compassion but his knowledge and experience. I left her in his hands knowing I made the right choice. That was 28 days ago. She's been home for 3 weeks. She's still on medication and I've had her back twice to be treated. I'm happy to say that she's gaining weight and seems to be doing fine. My brother is a research pathologist in New Jersey and I sent