We too love Dr. Jo....also loved Dr. Graves. We love practical animal care. We have now and always have had a large number of pets primarily rescues. As of three years ago they were all up to date on necessary veterinary care except two elderly never left the house cats. All were in line with scheduled appts however. We teetered at that point on returning because of being upset by Dr. Wilson's demeanor and preppiness w/regard to veterinary care and making us feel like irresponsible pet owners. Finally; we took the new puppy (an accident of birth) in for initial examination at 4-5 weeks old. Dr. Wilson freaked and read me the riot act quoting to me what I had already read online about the birth defect the puppy had. She refused to give the puppy any vaccinations and immediately referred the puppy to Tuft's. I was so upset when I left that none of our animals have been to the vet since. It just appears to me that the veterinarians here have lost site of the big picture. The vets in New London County that I have had occasion to deal with in person and on the phone are not in tune with the needs of the patient. The present themselves as being on the quest for big money.... I put out over $2000 in one month in Norwich at one vet for ROUTINE care for my pets....yet it still was not enough. They think if you are not getting their teeth done and nails done and hair done and falderal you are not responsible! Well guess what? I don't have my teeth up to date or my shots either! Maybe my parent's should be jailed?
The inevitable is coming around now. I have elderly pets who need necessary medical care and it is impossible to find a vet that is not going to need at least $200 just to walk through the door. Why? Because it has been more than six months since they were seen. That is so unfair. I don't get seen by the doctor that often! These are afterall pets and not humans! The economy is in a nightmare condition right now. Folks are unemployed. That does not mean they don't love their pets it just means they have monetary insufficiencies!
I am shopping for a new vet for all my kids. I need one that believes in necessary nonflambouyant care. I need a vet that is in it for the love of pets not to do the latest extreme measures. Guess my pets will continue to wait until I get back home where I grew up where the vet still cares. It sure would be cheaper to take them back there for their veterinary care. Yeah, I think that is what I will do.