Okay so this doctor is a complete quack. i drove all the way out from summerfield because i have had cysts develop on my ovaries. i have been in the hospital 2 times already. I have had a ultra sound and a ct scan before seeing this doctor. I go there and he first off exams my breasts. OKAY WHAT FOR?????? THen i did the pap smear and the pelvic exam which was quite painful and he tells me how he wasnt impressed with the dr. ultra sound he : "Just cant believe i have cysts" umm the ultrasound and ct scan proved i had cysts and one which ruptured a little bit that had me on the floor in pain. He just couldnt believe this when the proof was there. besides me not being able to understand the man, he just wouldnt let me talk. He says they arent cysts there my ovaries growing. umm what??? ANd there my eggs dropping?? what??? okay so he gives me birth control in which i dont need i have my tubes tied and tells me to take all of it and when i get to the white pills SUGAR PILLS, duh, that i