This company is terrible! The bulbs they advertised on their site were not the ones they sent me. The bulbs on the site were rated at 10000 hours and equivalent to a 75 watt bulb. The ones they sent me were only rated at 8000 hours and were only equivalent to a 60 watt bulb.Thats 2000 hours less and 15 watts dimmer. The Brand name and the color was also different from what was advertised! The bulbs were compact fluorencents which I have several others in my house, The ones they sent me take for ever to turn somewhat bright, while my others fully brighten up immediately. When I called them about the differences and problems I talked to Chris, He told me they were the right bulbs but that the package showed different information. He said the ones he sent me are exactly the same as the ones listed on the site, even though the package showed they weren't. He said thats the way they package them. Well Excuse Me, I might have been born at night but I wasn't born last night!