I began going to Blue Sky with a Groupon for a massage. The massage was very nice but it was just the tip of the iceberg for my life-altering experiences at Blue Sky Wellness.
My daughter was diagnosed with ADD and has an obsessive disorder as well. I decided to stop the madness with Kaiser (insert heavy cursing) and took her into Blue Sky to see a natural path. He changed our lives! We followed his advice and both my husband and I dropped over 50lbs over the last six months. My daughter also started doing much better in school and there has been some headway with her other issues as well. We are some of the healthiest people I know and it is all thanks to the caring people at Blue Sky Wellness.
Now you might think that's all very nice (you can do it too!) but let me tell you this next part is really the kicker. I am a dental hygienist and so I suffer from carpal tunnel, tendinitis, and seriously chronic shoulder and back pain. My pain was almost debilitating. One day I decided to try Acupuncture for the pain in my hands and arms. I swear I did not think it would work.. I was a complete skeptic. I left there and the next day I was completely pain free in my hands and forearms. You can get a hold of me on Yelp if you want.. I am happy to tell you, it is the truth. I am still in shock to this day that it could change my life so dramatically.
I don't understand acupuncture yet.... but I do understand and KNOW that I am not in pain because of whatever it is that Bridget does with those needles and I feel like the luckiest person because of it.
Yes, losing 50 lbs (and holding!) was and is simply amazing (Thank you Dr Shannon) but getting out of chronic pain (Thanks Bridget!) is something I really never thought could ever happen and it did. I am so thankful to have stumbled upon this place. It has changed my life.
If you are somebody who is sick and tired of suffering then I beg you to give Blue Sky Wellness a chance.