I took a bite of cheesy bread tonight and in fact bit into a small hard translucent piece of material. If I had to guess, I would say it was a slightly melted piece of plastic.
When I called the store to let them know, the woman I spoke to offered to send me a new cheesy bread but I really didn't NEED a new bread. It was small, I didn't think there were others, and I didn't need more food (besides, why give the deliveryman a hassle? It's not his fault). I said no thank you, and just said I wanted to let them know.
She said okay and hung up.
It was a bad situation, but a simple apology or an offer of a refund could have saved it. Instead, poor customer service took that bad situation and made it so much worse. If I ever do order Domino's again (and who am I kidding, I probably will), it certainly won't be from this location.