The Hill Park Apartments are not an adequate living space. The properties are infested by bed bugs and cockroaches, the property management uses intimidation/Harassment tactics agaist the tenants specifically younger females, and the guests of some tenants. The management is by far unprofessional, they treat tenants inhumanely. One of the property managers videotapes tenants as they walk in and out of the building in some cases he has recorded videos of inside the apartments without the tenants discretion or awareness. There are no signs stating that tenants may or may not be recorded, it is required for them to state whether or not they are recording you it is still an invasion of privacy. there is some suspicion unwarranted entry into some tenants' apartments and things such as money thet have come up missing. Multiple tenants have complained about maintenance issues such as plumbing and heating problems and broken windows that have not been dealt with until months after the complaints are reported. we believe that he also may be forging records and documents of correcting the above issues without actually ever dealing them. There are also a multitude of excessive fees for a variety of things like charging tenants $100 for not cleaning up after their pets and some tenants have been charged with this fee even though they have no animals. There has also been drug paraphenelia found on the childrens playground such as hypodermic needles, broken glass bottles and possbly the actual drugs in baggies on the ground. The play equipment is also rusted and breaking and is by no means safe for any child and they refuse to fix it or update the equipment to meet current safety standards.