Sinnyv - welcome to the modern computer age! yes, many goods and services are available on the internet at cheaper cost than at the stores....Perhaps your shopping preferences are more in line with Walmart? Private internet business does not have to pay as much for electricity, for health insurance, decent wages, sick leave, employee Christmas parties or anything else...I mean, are you not a price whore? Presents of Mind is an awesome place to shop, with great people and great item selection. Their employees have always been more than courteous and helpful . You say they ""almost refused to take it back""....but, they did take it back even though it was missing a tag and not in the condition they sold who's really at fault? If you have no appreciation for a local business that offers a nice community setting while trying to make fair and reasonable profit you don't deserve to walk through the door in the first place. Presents of Mind is a top notch local retailer.