To sum up the dealership in one word, it would be awful. Between repeatedly lying to us after we signed a contract on a car and then telling us that the parts of the contract they had to live up to were not binding (in this case fixing the car before we bought it), it was a miserable experience. Even worse, they told us that because they already sold our trade-in (for a $1000 profit no less), we'd have to pay them $2700 to get out of the deal EVEN THOUGH THEY DIDN""T FIX THE NEW CAR!!!
Don't ever go there, believe me it's not worth it. The general manager (we'll call him Mike) and the used car manager (we'll call him Joe) tell two entirely different stories everytime you want something fixed.
They advertise their ""Maxwell Forever"" program, but my slogan is now ""Maxwell Never."" I'd rather walk than drive a car from them.